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Group Pricing (2-5 Athletes) (effective 6/1/23)

Keep in mind, when viewing the prices below, is that we give you the edited digital images and release all rights.  You are free to print as much as you want and utilize it for whatever you want.  My goal is to provide you lasting memories that you can share with your friends and family, not continuously force you to buy prints that you could easily do yourself for way cheaper.

 Small Group Pricing - $100.00 per athlete

  • ie: 2 athletes = $200.00, 3 siblings = $300.00

  • Athletes can choose from any 5 poses from the website or social media sites (or their own), or I can pose them.  Note that some action shots may not be possible due to either difficulty or time constraints

  • Sessions are approximately 30 min (roughly 5 athletes per hour)

  • minimum 15 digital images per athlete

  • 2 different "together/group" posed images

  • Takoeye Hammah Watermark on all images unless requested to be removed.  All Images edited and delivered via Dropbox for download

  • All rights released, however, I do reserve the right to use images/posters in my website, and social media marketing posts, stories and reels.  Use of these images is strictly for marketing purposes ONLY and athlete will not be compensated.


  • We can create a solo poster with any of the posed images taken (however, shooting with green screen is preferred)

  • Our base posters include FAMILY Name, and whatever logo/text you wish  

  • Please let me know ahead of time if you would like to create a poster.

© 2023 by TakoEye Sports PHOTOGRAPHY.

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